Hi, I’m Carli. I am a homeschool teacher and consultant who works with children and parents.
During my Bachelor’s degree in Education and Psychology, I was given the opportunity to observe and participate in the mainstream school system. I saw that this one size fits all, machine-like model, was insensitive to the layers of complexity of human development. Through further exploration, I came to see the deep psychological impacts this can have on children, which may affect them later in adolescence and their adult life; and that the history of schooling was not based around anything to do with supporting brain development and emotional wellbeing. This was the catalyst for beginning a life-changing AMI Montessori course, which focused specifically on children between the ages of six to twelve (the Second Plane). This included the completion of my assistant course on the 3-6 year old (The Fist Plane). I then continued my studies taking part in the AMI Montessori course for children aged 0-3 years old which is a vital stage of learning in which we take on sub conscious beliefs and patterning. Learning about how children develop has helped me to understand how to guide and assist their learning.
 Maria Montessorri used her background in anthropology to observe children objectively. Through her close observations of children over fifty years, she was able to effectively abandon the ‘one size fits all’ model, and cater to the unique developmental needs of every child.
Fulfilling individual needs allows children to develop a deep inner sense of self, and helps them to understand their purpose in the world.
As Maria Montessori worked with children from all over the world, she discovered that this method is highly effective across different races, cultures and languages.
My experiences led me to work with homeschoolers, as I truly believe that by setting up a space, schedule and routine that honours the individual child, you allow them to come to know themselves and to become independent learners in all areas of life.
My passion is to help people develop a strong sense of self in order to access their fullest potential. Homeschooling follows the child, and I too want to support parents and children on this journey.